Situated atop a steep hillside in northwest Ann Arbor, the project reaches out to capture the panoramic beauty of its natural surroundings.

Through a series of massing and plan studies, the Giraffe team developed a two-part addition; giving the family a spacious, light-filled screen porch with curated views that stretch upward and outward, alongside a more utilitarian mudroom serving double duty as an entry to the home as well as a threshold between the main house and the screen porch addition.

An intricately assembled skeleton of douglas fir posts and beams frame the openings for sleek, dark bronze screens that almost fade away into shadow. Vertical natural cedar cladding wraps the exterior faces of the mudroom. Cedar clad soffits blend into interior spaces, becoming warm wood ceilings.

“The project stands as a testament to the potential of utilitarian materials and functions executed at the highest level. The material choices, detailing and construction methods, are a celebration of craft and design.”
Project Architect, Adam Wilbanks